Monday, May 4, 2009

What Makes You Beautiful?

Does your smile light up the room?

Do you have soft hands that draw people nearer to you when you touch them?

We all know that exterior beauty is important. We also know that interior beauty is infinitely more significant.

Lately, I have been focusing on aligning the two; merging inner and outer beauty. I have found that this increases my confidence and I feel connected to my authentic self. 

A dear friend of mine is a nurturer. She is a gentle mother with love and generosity bursting through her personality.  She also has the softest, most delicate hands I have ever seen or felt.  I have also heard her husband tell her she should be a hand model.  Her soft hands help represent her true warm and kind-hearted nature.

Melissa Rycroft, the rejected Bachelor fiancée turned America’s dancing sweetheart has dazzling white teeth. She lights the room with her smile. Many people are drawn to her cheerful, bubbling attitude which is physically portrayed through her ever-smiling mouth.

What are the best aspects of your inner self, your personality? How can you align these attributes with your exterior attributes?  Many times you will find they are naturally associated. If you are a strong person on the inside you may find that you have strong physical features.  If not, tone up those legs and arms! If you are free-spirited woman, let that hair down!


This connects you with yourself leaving you feeling more secure in your own skin. 

It also helps people concretely relate to you. They can see, touch, smell, even taste or hear your genuine self shining though. That is, indeed, where true beauty is found.

1 comment:

  1. Oi. Parabéns pelo excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil. Abração
